There are many ways to ask for a guest review, whether it’s a formal automated message or an indirect verbal note at check-out, in any case, the point is to encourage your satisfied guests to leave positive reviews for your apartment. Read the following ways to encourage them to do so.
1. Create a personal approach
Asking for reviews usually seems like an automated message, but try to take the time to send personalized messages as well. Many people today lack that personal touch when using someone’s services. They will feel like you really care about their feedback and their suggestions to improve the service of the apartment.
2. Educate guests on how to leave a review
We’ve been inundated with ratings and reviews in the apartment rental industry for years, so it’s easy to forget that not everyone is in the habit of writing reviews. When asking a guest to review your apartment, be sure to tell them exactly where to click to write a review in the first place. You can write the steps on paper and print them out with an interesting illustration and stick the paper on the wall of the room in the apartment.
3. Use quick reminders
Take the opportunity to encourage a guest to leave a review when they are satisfied with your hospitality and approachability. When a guest asks you to bring something to the apartment, you can leave a card, i.e. a reminder to leave a review for the apartment on the product that requested you.
Over time, positive reviews can contribute, in addition to an increase in occupancy, to an increase in price compared to the market, so it pays to step out of your comfort zone and ask a satisfied guest indirectly for a review.